Monday, March 17, 2014

20th Century Cincinnati 2014, part two, some dealers and stuff (Status- I was kind of hurried)

When you are a dealer at a show, and you don't have anyone at the show with you, you can't really go off on a leisurely stroll around the sales floor on a picture safari without, ya' know, losing out on sales.  I took most of these pictures on Friday after spending a week and a half refinishing many pieces, piloting the van and trailer through high wind gusts, that at one point caused a semi-tractor trailer to nearly swerve into me, then spending seven hours setting up my own booth-I was exhausted.  Some of these pictures are also from booths that were not completely set up so there is a little spare packing material floating about. Alright-Here we go!
Next year I will arrive earlier on Saturday and try to tear around getting more and better pictures, maybe I will find someone who can help out at the booth (sigh... a girlfriend would be great, too)

 I was digging all the art.  Note to self, find more art (another Picasso would be a good start)
 Dig the atomic tile design inlaid on the top of this otherwise unremarkable table!
 Cool bar that came out of someones basement
 A booth example
 Kinda in love with this buffet
 That looks comfy
 Another booth example
 Deco club/barrel chair
 Cabinet one of Deco
 cabinet two of Deco
 Lots of room to work at this desk
 Another booth, not quite set up
 The patron saint of the 20th Century Cinci show, Charley Harper
 There was plenty of glass, most was still being unpacked.
 Sweet wall unit
 Glowing balls or fiberglass spaghetti
 Pretty Bitosi lamp
 George Nelson lamp end table
 There is a guy here every year with a booth full of Hey/Wake
 Lovely slatted bench
 Kip Stewart Suncoast buffet

I am looking forward to next year!


  1. Hi there, I'm just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  2. A few years ago, I found a sketch at a yard sale in Hot Springs, Arkansas that I am fully convinced is a Picasso. I have been unsuccessful in getting anyone to help me verify it. I'm curious as to how you went about finding out that your poster was a Picasso.
    Thanks for any help you can give me.

  3. I have that same Anderson buffet!

  4. I love seeing all the unique and interesting pieces you photographed.
