Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fifteen minutes of fame (Status: George Clooney is famous, not me)

The Picasso find has hit the local news.  I am on the front page of the Columbus Dispatch and I was interviewed by a local Television station, today.  Here is a link to the story from the Dispatch web site.  There is also a video, where I look dorky -what the heck is up with my over animated eyebrows?


  1. I think you look pretty normal and sane for a person who just bought a Picasso for $14.14. I'd still be bouncing off the walls and laughing like a maniac. If the only thing that looks unusually animated are your eyebrows, you're in excellent shape! LOL

    A huge CONGRATULATIONS again!

    1. well Clooney may be famous but it's your story and name that's all over my facebook page. I guess that's what happens when one has lots of thrift friends. Congratulations on your amazing find! Picasso is definitely on my bucket thrift list.

    2. I'm thrilled to get a comment from you!

  2. Wow, this is the most incredible vintage find story I've ever come across. I will never take anything for granted at Goodwill and thrift stores from now on!

    1. Thanks for the nice compliment. Hey, I just added your blog to my blog roll thingy; keep the flag of typewriter love flying!

    2. Thanks, will do the same. Let's "follow" too. Cheers.

  3. What a great find and what a keen eye! Love your blog!

  4. Everyone deserves to get lucky every once in awhile and have a good eye doesn't hurt either. Congrats!

  5. What a great find. Congrats on your fifteen minutes. Enjoy them.
