Thursday, March 29, 2012

Blast off with these Apollo glasses and carafe (Status: Spacey but not Kevin)

I found these in a new junk store in my hometown about a week ago.  I see the glasses pretty regularly but not the carafe.  The photo shoot gave me an excuse to get out my old GI Joe Mercury space capsule.
Joe and his space suit have seen their better days (the space suit is pretty tattered and is quite fragile) but he was still game to pose for some snaps with the glasses and carafe.  I am missing the Apollo 14 glass and there is an alternate Apollo 11 glass, that features  the moon instead of the American flag, so I will have to make an update in the future.
That's Joe with the three different mission glasses.
Joe with the carafe.  The carafe has info from Apollo 11-13 but not Apollo 14.

Sides of the Apollo 11 glass (version with flag)

Sides of the Apollo 12 glass

The ill fated Apollo 13 (see the red explosion on the command module)
I have eight glasses.  The glasses were made by Libby and were offered as premiums at Marathon gas stations.
Here are a few alternate shots.
Wish I had some Tang and astronaut ice cream for the photo shoot.


  1. I have never see the carafe either. I have one Apollo 13 cup! So neat.

  2. Just about the time I was going to say, "Joe is a real stand-up guy," he was suddenly sitting down. Great collection anyway. :)

  3. I enjoyed these photos with the posed Joe in them. Thanks for bringing a smile this a.m.!

  4. I've got the carafe and all the glasses, including both Apollo 11's and the Apollo 14. :D Loved seeing these!

  5. I Have all of these also including the apollo 14 and the alt apollo 11...dose anyone have any clue as to what they are valued at? Please let me know at

  6. The Joe figure seems to vaguely resemble JFK.
