Tuesday, November 22, 2011

vintage fireplace set from Goodwill (Status: Firplace poker? I didn't even know...nevermind)

A recent trip up to Delaware Ohio yielded this nice mid century fireplace set.  I've looked around the interwebz but nobody seems to know the maker.

You know what, when I was a kid my family owned this exact same fireplace set.  Anywhoo, this set is kinda dirty but I'm sure that it can be spruced up with a good scrub and some heat resistant spray paint.

Hmmmmm, that brush could use a little trim, as well.  This set makes me wish I had a fireplace.


  1. I have bid on several of these on ebay and never won. I guess I'm not willing to pay over 150 dollars. I'm so jealous you found one at the thrift store!

  2. @snail- Well, I don't have a fireplace... shoot me an email and maybe we can work out a deal
