Saturday, December 21, 2013

Get ready for the 2014 20th Century Cincinnati show Feb 22 and 23! (Status: I'll be dealing!)

Just today, the postman brought to me confirmation that I will be a dealer at the 2014 Cincinnati Mid Century Modern show AKA- 20th Century Cincinnati!  I did not get the 10 X 20 booth I wanted but I did get the last available booth space, an 8 X 14, so I will make do.

Monday, December 16, 2013

For post 200, the parade of blenders continues (Status: people love blenders)

Probably the most surprising thing about this blog is finding that blenders are twice as popular as Picasso!  Yup, my first post about blenders has had twice as many views as my post about finding a Picasso.  I want to give the people what they want| so to celebrate 200 posts-here are seven new blenders for my collection.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Birthday orgy of thrifting finds a Fritz Hansen (Status:Maybe I need to TABLE the thrifting)

As part of the BOoT (Birthday Orgy of Thrifting), I drove up to the Findlay Ohio Antique mall where I made a surprising score of this nice Fritz Hansen folding tray table!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

2013 birthday orgy of thrifting makes a Declaration (Status:yeah!)

To be clear, "Birthday orgy of thrifting" is a term that also includes Craigslist, antique malls/stores and other non-thrift stores.  I mention this because I spotted this set of five Drexel declaration side chairs on the Springfield Ohio Craigslist and they became a part of the epic haulage of BOT.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Birthday orgy of thrifting 2014 post one (Status: There's more to come!)

I haven't been hitting the thrifts as heavily as in the past but it's that time of the year-Birthday orgy of thrifting time!  Due to the Thanksgiving holiday I have had to start the thrifting orgy in my hometown and surrounding area.  Take a look!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Butterfly chair came fluttering into my life (Status: Knoll?)

I was on my way home from the vet when I spied an estate sale sign; I told the kitten I had recently rescued, that he was going to have to chill for a few while I took a quick poke around.  Man, did I miss a good sale!  If I had been waiting at 9:00A.M. I would have had a shot at a house full of vintage Knoll and Herman Miller furniture (Apparently there had been a Florence Knoll sofa, A Saarinen womb chair w/ ottoman plus a tulip table w/ four chairs, some sort of Herman miller desk and bedroom furniture)- sigh.  What I did walk off with was this solid frame, leather covered Hardoy "butterfly" chair.  Based on the rest of the furniture, I feel confident that this is by Knoll.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Look what was waiting for me at the new Habitat store in my hometown! (Status-kitchy art-o-rama)

A Habitat for Humanity ReStore opened up in my hometown but I am not usually in my hometown on the days that it is open.  As luck would have it, my visit a couple of weeks ago happened to coincide with the store hours and I snagged these three great tiki themed pieces of art!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Tour of the Columbus Museum of Art 20th Century show and sale 2013 (Status: opening night pictures)

This past weekend, September 27-29, the Columbus Museum of Art had it's second annual 20th Century show and sale event.  I was able to offer a pair of tickets to the Friday night preview party and to attend.  There was free food and drink (sorry, the Tom Collins may have cause a blurry pic here and there).

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Road trip to the fall 2013 Springfield Extravaganza (Status: I found a few gems)

Yesterday I drove about 45 minutes west of Columbus to the fall edition of the Springfield Ohio Extravaganza, one of the largest antique flea markets in America.  I found a find a few items to toss into my fishing net....

Monday, September 16, 2013

Mid Mod show in Columbus! September 28 and 29 (Status: win tickets to the opening night party)

The Columbus Museum of Art is hosting a weekend of Mid Century Modern design featuring eighteen dealers of awesome mid mod goods (it's sort-of a mini Cincinnati modern show).  

If you would like to have a chance at winning a pair of tickets to the gala opening night party, drop me an email ( and I will announce a winner on September 24th.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Road trip to Ann Arbor Michigan (Status: It must be good for an OSU guy to visit UM land)

I was bored one night and decided to peruse the Craigslist for Ann Arbor, I mean, what the heck can they have up there in "that state up north"?  One thing grabbed me with it's ridiculously cheap price that made spending $80 on gas still well worth while.  This teak desk in a cabinet or desk in a box.

Friday, August 23, 2013

It's not a drumstick but it is a Viscount! (Status: often misattributed)

I got up early to hit an estate sale, prior to going to my job, so I could nab this beauty

Thursday, August 15, 2013

It's not a George Nelson but... (Status: astronomically starbursting)

Next to an honest to god George Nelson star/ sun burst clock, this GIANT has to rank pretty highly!
You have to click through to see the majestic beauty; you may even need sun glasses

Monday, August 12, 2013

I've been a little busy lately (Status: welcome to booth C008, Heritage Square Antique Mall)

After waiting eight months Heritage Square Antique Mall (Located on the East side of Columbus at the corner of Brice and Livingston) has finally given me a space to call my own, space C008!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Almost a great declaration (Status: awww, c'mon)

While poking around at a small, not very good flea market I was startled to spot this partial Drexel Declaration table and chair set.  What an incredible bargain it was but...c'mon, only three chairs?

Monday, July 15, 2013

Cantilevered sofa find (Status: Hometown-ish score)

When I make my weekly visit to my dad I look around Craigslist in the neighboring towns. This is a search which usually comes up empty, bot not today, dear reader, not by a long shot!  Take a look at this great 1970s Muller Furniture Company cantilevered sofa.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Awesome two shade floor lamp (Status: found it a new home )

Just a couple of weeks prior to participating in the Michigan Modernism show, I picked up this really cool twin shade floor lamp at a new mid century store here in Columbus.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Filled the van with Heywood Wakefield dog bones and wishbones (Status: gonna be a lot of work)

Whoo, it's a hot one today!  Luckily the ac works (sorta) in the van because it was an hour round trip to gather a triple wishbone table, with 2 leaves, and five (wait, did he say "five?) dogbone chairs.  Plus a bonus Hey-Wake find from last week!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Overview of Springfield Extravaganza May 17, 2013 (Status: one of the largest antique marts and flea markets in America)

On May 17 I drove 30 minutes west of Columbus to Springfield Ohio for the spring edition of the Springfield Extravaganza.  The extravaganza engulfs the Clark County fairgrounds for three days, twice a year, and you may have seen it on the premiere episode of  the PBS show Market Warriors.  This thing is MASSIVE, I had to give up after eight hours and head home (empty handed).

Monday, May 27, 2013

Thrifting cruise north of my hometown to the Findley antique mall (Status: worth the trip)

On my way back from the Michigan Modern Expo, I spotted a large antique mall just outside of Findley Ohio.  Findley is about an hour north of my hometown so I decided that the next time I was in my hometown, and had enough extra time, I would see what I could find. Yeah, that worked out pretty well!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Have you had enough umanoff? (Status:road trip to feed the van)

While visiting my dad in my hometown, I was digging through Craigslist and quickly realized that the listing for "Table and four chairs" was a nice Arthur Umanoff set!  Luckily I had my van with me, but it was still an hour north of my hometown which made it two hours back to Columbus.  Well, it was a good "haul" however you define it

Thursday, May 16, 2013

What I bought at the 2013 Michigan Modern Expo (Status: Dealers cutting deals with dealers)

At the end of a sales event, like the 2013 Michigan Modern Exposition, no dealers likes to load their van/ trailer/ truck so it's a great time to get yourself a good deal on some new merchandise.  I took advantage of some friendships that were struck up at the hotel bar, over a couple of evenings, to get the dealer rate on a few classier pieces to offer at future sales.  Let's see what followed me home.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

It's been a while since I posted some thrift finds (Status: one week in March)

So I found this box full of hometown finds from March.  March? Has it been March since I've posted a bunch of thrift finds?  I'm really slacking on the posting.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Spring Flea 2013 (Status: second weekend of selling)

Spring Flea is the sort-a hipster flea market (lots of hand made and vintage, no diabetic socks or Nascar) that takes place just a couple of blocks from my house.  It's lots of fun and pretty cool!  

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

a short tour of the 2013 Michigan Modernism Expo (Status: a small but mighty expo)

I was chained to my booth but I dashed off for a couple of minutes here-and-there to shoot a few quick snaps of some booths that were near my own.  The Michigan Modernism Expo was about 2/3 the size of the 20th Century show in Cincinnati but it boasted lots of high end furniture, a number of clothing dealers and a significant amount of Art Deco.  My pics may not give a full picture of the show but they should give you a taste.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Legs through the art (Status: The perils of loading the van for Michigan modernism)

Not everything was skittles and beer at the Michigan Modernism 2013 exposition.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My booth at the 2013 Michigan Modernism Expo (Status: not letting my Buckeye pride get in the way of selling in "that state up north")

I took part in the Michigan Modernism Exposition over the weekend of April 26-28 in Southfield Michigan, near Detroit.  My "home" for those three days was my 24 ft by 10 ft booth.

Friday, April 26, 2013

On the road to Michigan for the Michigan Modernism Expo (hope to make money or at least break even)

Short post until latter today when I post some booth pics.  I am selling at the Michigan modernism Expo in Southfield Michigan this weekend.  I have had many issues pop up while I have tried to get things organized for this but... here I am!  Oh, hey, this is my new van; it doesn't have a name yet (maybe "van shaped money hole") but it is a 1995 Dodge 2500 short wheelbase (shorter than a regular van but longer than a mini van).  It used to be a conversion  but somewhere along the line the seats were removed.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

What I do for a bunch of Starburst (Status: road trip)

I drove 2 1/2 hours north to Cleveland, sat in front of a house at 2:30 A.M., had the police surround my car, had a woman try to jump my claim and went 32 hours without sleep.  Hey, It was for 71 pieces of Franciscan Starburst (yeah, the cops thought I was crazy too)!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

I went to Cinci Modern and all I got was this lousy bark cloth (Status: not really lousy)

Short post.   All I bought at the 2013 Modernism show were these two off cuts of bark cloth.

Monday, March 11, 2013

What's with the Finnish in my hometown? (Status: Finnish? I'm just getting started )

Huh, this is the second piece of Finnish design I've found in my hometown thrifts, this chair was at the Goodwill while the Lisa Johnnsson-Pape lamp was at the Salvation Army. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Guess what the Thrift Gods left for me at Volunteers of America (Status: I'm killin' it lately at the thrifts)

Apologies for the crappy cell phone pictures that accompany this post but I did not have my camera with me and there was a very light sprinkle of rain, with snow set to begin in a few hours, leaving me pressed for time.  Better pictures latter, promise.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

May I present an overview of the 2013 20th Century Cincinnati show (Status:Like the worlds largest vintage store)

I arrived in Cincinnati, at the Sharronville Convention Center, around 11:00 A.M. on Saturday, February 23 and waited in line to enter the convention center floor...

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Watch out for the demon infested thrifts! (Status: Oh, Pat Robertson, you make me lol!)

Do you shop at thrift stores to save money? Or maybe because you think recycling clothes is good for the environment? Or maybe because you are the “most extreme manifestation of ironic living” and find sincerity unbearable? Either way, you might be getting more than you bargained for with your latest purchase. (Get it? Bargain. Like, discount shopping? OK.)
A concerned viewer wrote to Pat Robertson for advice on demons and thrift stores:
“I buy a lot of clothes and other items at Goodwill and other secondhand shops. Recently my mom told me that I need to pray over the items, bind familiar spirits, and bless the items before I bring them into the house. Is my mother correct? Can demons attach themselves to material items?”
Robertson’s answer?
 ”Can demonic spirits attach themselves to inanimate objects? The answer is yes. But I don’t think every sweater you get from Goodwill has demons in it. In a sense your mother is just being super cautious, so hey — it isn’t gonna hurt you any to rebuke any spirits that might attach themselves to those clothes.”
There is a video clip here

Thanks to

Monday, February 25, 2013

The collectable lamp whisperer strikes again! (Status: Finnish? I've hardly started!)

A short post until I finish editing my photos from the 2013 Cinci Modern show. 
I found this Lisa Johansson-Pape mushroom table lamp at the Salvation Army store in my lil' ol' hometown.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Selling at Scotts Antique Market this weekend (Status: busy, busy)

Hi all!  I am going to be selling at the Scotts Antique Market taking place this weekend at the state fairgrounds.  Here is a peek at my booth (first aisle to your right, then down 3 or 4 rows.  Look for the pillar numbered "42").

Friday, February 8, 2013

I told you it was pouring Russel Wright (Status: an ice blue rain)

I stumbled upon this lovely collection of 60 Russel Wright Iroquois Casual, ice blue pieces in a lovely consignment store about two hours west of Columbus.  I was in the town to hit an auction where there was a small collection of thirty Franciscan Starburst pieces (no serving pieces) but the auctioneer wasn't going to get to them for a number of hours so, I poked around in the downtown and... voila!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

When it rains Russel Wright, it POURS Russel Wright (Status:I've got some more Russel Wright)

With-in the space of a week, I have had two major Russel Wright hauls- it's CRAZY!  This 50 piece lot of Ripe Apricot, Iroquois casual was plucked from an on-line estate sale.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Spending a lot more time in my hometown, which means THRIFTING! (Status: It's boring in my hometown)

My dads health has taken a slight down check and his mobility is getting pretty limited so I am the good son and travel to my hometown, spending a few days each week.  He sits at home, listens to Rush Limbaugh, watches sports talk shows and sleeps- which leaves me bored and with time to hit the thrifts.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Kipp Stewart Sun Coast end and coffee tables (Status: These are in bad shape)

I saved the Sun Coast pieces that were in the worst condition for last.  Maybe I should have passed on these end tables and the coffee table, but I got a good price...

Friday, January 11, 2013

Kipp Stewart Sun Coast captains chair (Status: Hey, that looks a lot like...)

There was only ONE Drexel Sun Coast chair available at the auction.  What happened to the rest of the set?  Who knows.  It's a dead ringer for a Declaration chair.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Kipp Stewart Sun Coast haul (Status: The good, the bad and the ugly)

Last week I won a couple of on-line estate auctions for five pieces of the rare Kipp Stewart, for Drexel, Sun Coast line of furniture.  I'll show these off over the next few posts, sadly, it is a story of good, bad and ugly.  Here is the good!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Cincinnati Mid Century show February 23-24 (Status: I'm going but not selling)

Just a plug for the Cincinnati Mid Century Modern show February 23-24. 
This years special exhibit will be on Russel Wright.
It is a great show with some really lovely pieces!