Monday, May 27, 2013

Thrifting cruise north of my hometown to the Findley antique mall (Status: worth the trip)

On my way back from the Michigan Modern Expo, I spotted a large antique mall just outside of Findley Ohio.  Findley is about an hour north of my hometown so I decided that the next time I was in my hometown, and had enough extra time, I would see what I could find. Yeah, that worked out pretty well!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Have you had enough umanoff? (Status:road trip to feed the van)

While visiting my dad in my hometown, I was digging through Craigslist and quickly realized that the listing for "Table and four chairs" was a nice Arthur Umanoff set!  Luckily I had my van with me, but it was still an hour north of my hometown which made it two hours back to Columbus.  Well, it was a good "haul" however you define it

Thursday, May 16, 2013

What I bought at the 2013 Michigan Modern Expo (Status: Dealers cutting deals with dealers)

At the end of a sales event, like the 2013 Michigan Modern Exposition, no dealers likes to load their van/ trailer/ truck so it's a great time to get yourself a good deal on some new merchandise.  I took advantage of some friendships that were struck up at the hotel bar, over a couple of evenings, to get the dealer rate on a few classier pieces to offer at future sales.  Let's see what followed me home.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

It's been a while since I posted some thrift finds (Status: one week in March)

So I found this box full of hometown finds from March.  March? Has it been March since I've posted a bunch of thrift finds?  I'm really slacking on the posting.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Spring Flea 2013 (Status: second weekend of selling)

Spring Flea is the sort-a hipster flea market (lots of hand made and vintage, no diabetic socks or Nascar) that takes place just a couple of blocks from my house.  It's lots of fun and pretty cool!  

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

a short tour of the 2013 Michigan Modernism Expo (Status: a small but mighty expo)

I was chained to my booth but I dashed off for a couple of minutes here-and-there to shoot a few quick snaps of some booths that were near my own.  The Michigan Modernism Expo was about 2/3 the size of the 20th Century show in Cincinnati but it boasted lots of high end furniture, a number of clothing dealers and a significant amount of Art Deco.  My pics may not give a full picture of the show but they should give you a taste.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Legs through the art (Status: The perils of loading the van for Michigan modernism)

Not everything was skittles and beer at the Michigan Modernism 2013 exposition.