Sunday, June 24, 2012

Disco days lighting (Status: everything's shiny)

My usual hunting ground, the Volunteers of America on Indianola, provided these two lil' disco biscuits of retro lighting.  Chrome and smoked glass is not really my thing but the price was right and they are in great condition.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's day! (Status: havin' a "pop" with my pops)

My Dad taught  me important life skills, like how to drink beer, early in life.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

I've got a can do, can opener, attitude (Status: Bubba the cat approved)

Bubba stopped by just as I was bringing in my cool new vintage electric can opener into the house and stuck around for a quick picture (and some food).

Friday, June 15, 2012

Dansk-e schoen, Goodwill (Status:Flattered by flatware)

I made a super nice score of vintage Dansk flatware at the Morse Rd. Goodwill last week.  This is some pricey stuff, scored for cheap; sadly only one complete place setting and a number of other pieces.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Chinese style T.V lamp (Status: this really is junk)

Chinese style gondola TV lamp; since these chinese boats are called "junks", I guess I bought a real piece of junk (ba-da-bum)!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Memorial Day thrifting (status: Thank you to all the Vets)

Right off the bat- My Grandfather served in WW1, My Dad had a brother who was injured at Pearl Harbor then latter killed at the battle of Leyte Gulf and my father was in the Air Force in the Korean War.  I appreciate all of the sacrifices of our veterans; they gave the us freedom to pursue of passions, like thrifting.  Here is tidy little group of stuff  I found on Memorial Day.